One of the main reasons we settled on our present course was to ma...


One of the main reasons we settled on our present course was to make more plain and cogent our position and place in the class struggle, and to reawaken the revolutionary cadres of our organization, and to complete the unfinished job of bringing together our congress, a congress which will serve to establish the position of the TDKP in the revolutionary struggle.

In order to achieve our goals we knew that the TKDP had to reach out to the brave and loyal revolutionary communist cadres. However in this struggle our efforts have been in vain and our ideals have been unfulfilled. We cannot pretend that we have reached the goals we have set down for ourselves at the start of our course. Not only have our ideals and goals remain unfulfilled but they have also left the realm of reality. This is a time for reorganization and more important self criticism of the organization. Following on these lines we can summarize the experience of the TDKP as follows:

The Central Committee of the TDKP that was elected in the founding congress of the organization suffered a massive setback in the 12th of September coup. Not only was the central committee infiltrated and its members detained, but the members gave a unsatisfactory effort under police custody. In spite of this setback, and in the absence of any positive outlook or messages from the leading members of the organization the youth wing of the organization, in the prisons and in the outside did not accept defeat and dissolve. Although in all the cadres of the party the effect of the setback was felt, the organization did not distance itself from the revolutionary struggles.

In this process of reorganization in the period after 1987  the cadres waited expectantly for the organization to be renewed after the defeat, and instead of carrying out active policies in the following congresses, they surrendered to the enemy, tailing after MK which had left the country after they had served their time or at best chose to stay silent. The members outside the Central Congress, the enlightened militant and cadres could not find new solutions and could not formulate new theories but were taken over by the old MK and the passive and legal party organization that had its deciding organs outside our borders. The cadres chose to forget that this tailing and passive stance constituted a crime committed against the organization for any self respecting proletarian revolutionaries.

As the TDKP cadres were unable to carry out active resistance against the taking over of their party, an active resistance that was totally within their reach within the existing rules and regulations, it would be foolish to expect them to organize a congress to restate their existence. As the negative outlook and praxis of the first central committee was compounded by the lack of organization necessary knowledge and the futile attempts of reorganization of the revolutionary wing of the organization the honest review of this failure at this first attempt was not carried out.

This period of inactivity and passivity in the TDKP represents in all its true colors a period of opportunism, a period when the revolutionary soul of the organization was extinguished, a organization that replaced its revolutionary outlook by the opportunist outlook, and outlook which is defined by being uncourageous, liberal and accommodating to the system

Born out of a movement like the “ Halkin Kurtulusu” a movement of liberation for the masses, the organization was not only unable to organize again and become active in the revolutionary struggle, but also having been betrayed by its Central Committee it was unable to give birth to a new movement.

After the period of defeat in the 12th of September the revolutionary militants and cadres were unable to ask the party for an explanation for the setback and as a result it was betrayed by its own members. The old and defeated leaders of TDKP were free to lead the party in their own defeatist route. This betrayal of the revolution was not a single moment, but an ongoing process.

First with a left maneuver the parties most resistant and militant parts of the party were defeated, and the youth part of the organization was dissolved and they capped this process by the liquadationists operation to legalize the party, a mode of action that was very consistent with the overall aim of the liquadationists.

In these times of relegalization the vibrant parts of the party were passivized, and were unable to resist the liquidation. The liqudation was not carried out in a single step of dismemberment but step by step in a organized attack that defeated and passivized the active forces of the TDKP that would have actively resisted this legalized liquidation. EMEP had finished the imprisonment of the TDKP and made its legalized switch permanent.

This overtaking and the substitution of the revolutionary movement has managed to lay waste the revolutionary cadres and the revolutionary zeal substituting these with legalism.  Our original formulation of the solution to the problem which was finding and revitalizing the old guard of the organization is no longer valid, because the struggle for the revitalization of the party cannot be fought with these cadres alone. Even in the case of we finding and revitalizing the old cadres the main problem, the problem of creating an illegal structure from the debris of legalism and the rotting structure of the TDKP will stand and will in all likelihood be insurmountable. If we follow down this route we will have accepted a route with only one possible destination: failure.

The old cadres that we are mentioning is in all likelihood in the majority is quite content from the security and the lack of danger of the legal sphere, and will not undertake the struggle together with us in the illegal sphere, and in an illegal structure it is not clear where and how they will provided with their legal practices.


The myth of the Phoenix rising from its ashes is by no means appropriate to the situation that we are facing with today. If under an alternative scenario we were trying to reorganize and revitalize a antifascist anti-imperialist movement rather than a communist one the people who were living in the past, trying to catch the missed train of yesterday with their stern allegiance to the struggle only waged on anti-imperialist and anti-fascist lines would with relative ease give new energy and new impetus to the movement. However, we are supporters of a communist movement; a shared feeling emanatings from our past experience cannot be a basis of revitalizing the movement of us. To believe in such daydreams is not only wrong, but it is also a crime against our revolutionary past, and the effects of these wrong ideals will be felt in the organization just as the actions of the liquadationists were.

The old cadres in the absence of a real legal background cannot wage a struggle for the retooling of the party with their own legal guidelines and rules. These cadres that we are talking about have in the majority not carried out any party responsibilities in the last 15 years,have not served in any party organs and have declined paying their fees of membership. Putting it differently according to the legal framework that now stands the old cadres of the party cannot legitimately be called members. 

TDKP had completed its historical mission and it had consumed its revolutionary stance. A new regeneration was necessary and justified. We now believe that this regeneration can only be over (replacing the) cadres and militants of today, and by replacing the structure.

The question of regeneration only finds its true significance when we put it as the problem of the regeneration and the reorganization of all the revolutionary communists in Turkey. No party can be reduced to its members.The people become members and cadres only to the extent that they take part in the party organizations, and the Party remains revolutionary and active only to the extent that its militants continue to be so. The new motto of the TDKP “every TDKP member is TDKP itself” inadvertently fulfills the function of a smokescreen, hiding from many members their own inactivity and their own lack of responsibility, and sustaining a mode of thinking in the cadres that is contradicting the revolutionary aims of the party. This smoke screen and this passivist way of thinking is just as retrograde to the movement towards regeneration as the effort of the liquadationists, and the liquadationists themselves gain power from the cadres not criticizing themselves.

This motto of course is not new in substance. It is not sheer coincidence that in the radio broadcast that was signaling the liquidation of the party the official announcement was the party is where the party member stays. The reduction of the party into unorganized unstructured individuals is the other side of the coin in the struggle of the liquadationists.



The situation of the party has been reviewed and discussed, and as a result we, as the members of the old cadre of the party, have decided that the time of reorganization has arrived. With the positive input of our past experience in our minds, and with a full detailed account of our past mistakes and deficiencies, we as TDKP-YIO have undertaken the responsibility to move forward together with all the other proletarian revolutionaries of our country for the establishment of a revolutionary communist party.

To surpass the experience of the TDKP in organizing a new revolutionary communist party the organization and militancy within the working class must be continued. The revolutionaries must be ever-ready and ever prepared to organize on the lines of a party and must be in constant and ever growing contact with the other proletarian revolutionaries. The revolutionaries who are carriers of the TDKP experience must be instrumental in the rebuilding of a new revolutionary communist party along with the other revolutionaries who believe in the same ideals of communism. In this effort of surpassing the TDKP organization in a new revolutionary organization, an effort which can only be successful if all communists act in conjunction, the participation of the progenitors of the TDKP movement is not only necessary, but they would be repudiating their own existence if they do not take part in this effort.

However as a first and vital step of us joining this collective effort of the communists, we must first organize among ourselves. In order to carry out this first and vital step we have decided that we have to create an organization which will centralize the movement and we have called it the Temporary Central Committee. The Committee that was elected for the Preparation of Congress has dissolved itself(its duties finishjed) and has transferred its powers to this committee as the result of the meetings we held on this issue.

This centralization which the Committee will help us achieve is vital because until the establishment of the Communist party we must determine our shared stance and our favored courses of action, and this will also be instrumental in allowing as to hold talks with the other revolutionary group and communities, and also will help us gather the masses that look up to the organization around one unifying target and one unifying course in which we shall reach this target. We must not in the process forget the unifying class struggle, but we must get together with the other communists in meetings and after having decided on a shared program and a shared internal structure of the party, we must unify our cadres.

In this process of unification the program and the internal structure that the party has or will have must be open to argument and we must contribute to this debate using our own distinct past experience. In this unification process we must unify our praxis and theory by publishing new materials in shared institutions. The main object of this shared publishing will of course be to encourage open and shared debate about the main structure of the party, which will in itself make a unified participation in the class struggle in the party that much easier.

For us the Turkish communist party is not a new version of the old TDKP were the old cadres meet. It is something much different, it is a congregation of communists who believe in the importance of a class party, unifying for a common effort to reach this goal. Our only go at this point is to ardently defend a party structure and party program that will encapsulate and will unify all the communists in the country. It is only under the expressed condition of the shared party ideals and a shared idea of the party structure that a healthy unification can take place for all the communists. We should not repeat the mistake of overhastily and prematurely creating a party just for the sake of creating the party

As The Organization responsible for this Rebuilding within the tradition of the TDKP we feel it is our mission to satisfy the following aims:

In direct contradiction to all the so called communist parties and organizations we know that    it is the explicit and duty of the communists to organize the working class, the toiling masses and the youth.  This promise can only be carried out if communists struggle to create a true revolutionary communist party which will make this organization possible. It is also the duty of the communists to organize party conferences and meetings were the party can express its will in the ideological and political sphere.

After this moment all members and organs will use the signature the Turkish Revolutionary Communist Party-The Rebuilding and Reorganization Committee (TDKP-YÄ°O).

We as the TDKP-YIO, and in conjunction with our old newspaper the Sound of the Revolution, are settling on this new initiative of building a new revolutionary Marxist-Leninist communist party, which will ensure that we keep actively within the class struggle. This initiative however in no way bars us from working in unity with other 

Our stance against the other revolutionary groups and organizations and against communist individuals can be characterized by unification of our practice in the process of formulating a shared program and rules and regulations of the party not forgetting total freedom in the areas of agitation and propaganda directed towards the masses.

We believe that this stance will free up the constraints of every individual structure when it is fighting to win over its own cadres in addition to easing up and clearing the way for a more common and unified praxis within the new party.

The nature of oru political work will be defined by this ongoing effort of both trying to carry on the class struggle, and also creating a class based communist party that will faithful both to its proletariat class and to its cadres(the communist revolutionaries). The development and acceptance of a unifying program will make the political line of this party more cogent and clear to everyone.

This preliminary report we are publishing is a first step in this movement. It should not be taken as an effort on our part to add new members to our organization. It is only a step in the direction of formulating an understandable cogent and unifying program and regulation which will make possible the formation of a Marxist Leninist Communist Party which will become the center of the class struggle.



devrimci teori,3,Editorden,10,isci-sendika,2,Karl Marx,1,
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